01.CCNA SAYLANI | FB PAGE FOR CCNA COURSE Course duration : 2 to 3 Months / Class Every Saturday https://www.facebook.com/groups/CiscoCCNACourse All Videos in one place Link is here ---------------------------------------------------------- 01. Class 01# Course introduction Teacher's Intro and some Terminalogies --------------------------------------------------------- 02. Class 02# Class Details Topic: Networking terms: 1.Bandwidth 2. Throughput 3. Latency 4. Attenuation 5.Noise 6.Congestion 7. Bottleneck 8.Peer to Peer Network 9.Client and Server Division of Network by Area LAN WAN MAN PAN WLAN SAN (Storage Area Network) Network Devices Type: Hub Switch Router a.Collision Domain b.Broadcast Domain Ways of Devices Access : Physical Access Remotely Access Communication Types of Both Sides: Single Duplex (Half Duplex) Double Duplex (Full Duplex) Labs Of Switch and HUB SWITCH AND HUB BEHAVIOR VIDEO DURATION : 1:30 --------------------------------------------------------- 03. Class 03# Class Details topics: 1.Collision Domain and Broadcast Domain Hub : Single Collision Single Broadcast Switch : Per port Collision Single Broadcast Router: Per Port Collision Per Port Broadcast Lab example: 6:46 Video Time 2.NETWORK ROUTER (How to work? Router Introduction and works Router works and benefits (time:25:12) Router work as a gateway (gateway is Exit interface) (CCNA AND CCNP EXAM IN PAKISTAN CCIE EXAM PERFORM IN 10 COUTRIES) 03.Network Topologies Topologies Arrangement of Pcs two types of Arrangements Logical and Physical Arrangements Three basic Topologies
disadvantage of bus topology 35:13 most popular topology is star and mostly used Lan topologies Wan Topologies Point to point topology (leased line) hub and spoke topology (41:37) full mash topology single homed dual homed 04.Cabling : 45:00 Two types of Cabling Media Guided and unguided
Guided : Ethernet cable (Copper cable) utp cable category Cat 1 to Cat 7 (100 meter data carry length ) UTP and STP two types cable
cat 5 to cat 7 use in Networking DATA and Electricity good conductors
Types Signaling Methods of Transmission (55:00)
Two wiring standards : RJ 45 Connector making
------------------------------------------------------------ Cabling Types by Connect with same type devices and Connect different type devices each other, Cable types Three types copper cables use in networks :
Example: pc------------switch switch -------Router Switch ----------Server Etc 2.Crossover cable use to connect same type devices Example: Pc to Pc switch to switch router to router Etc Cable making attached connectors RJ-45 How to make your own Ethernet cable Cat 5 to Cat 6 are use in Ethernet cables Step by step What you'll need: unshielded twisted pair (UTP) patch cable
Step 1: Strip the cable jacket about 1.5 inch down from the end. ![]() Step 2: Spread the four pairs of twisted wire apart. For Cat 5e, you can use the pull string to strip the jacket farther down if you need to, then cut the pull string. Cat 6 cables have a spine that will also need to be cut. ![]() Step 3: Untwist the wire pairs and neatly align them in the T568B orientation. Be sure not to untwist them any farther down the cable than where the jacket begins; we want to leave as much of the cable twisted as possible. ![]() Step 4: Cut the wires as straight as possible, about 0.5 inch above the end of the jacket. Step 5: Carefully insert the wires all the way into the modular connector, making sure that each wire passes through the appropriate guides inside the connector. ![]() Step 6: Push the connector inside the crimping tool and squeeze the crimper all the way down. ![]() Step 7: Repeat steps 1-6 for the other end of the cable. Step 8: To make sure you've successfully terminated each end of the cable, use a cable tester to test each pin. ![]() When you're all done, the connectors should look like this: ![]() Cable Testing Tools Cable Testing Indicator Cable Tagging tool POE (Power over Ethernet ) Optical Fiber cable Vs Copper Cable Optical Fiber Types
Fiber optical cable wire break Repairing with splicing machine Fujikura fiber optical cable wire repairing technician charge 3000 per hour Media Light Signal Convert into Digital Signal convert Optical to Ethernet Converter Fiber Optical cable Distance break Check OTDR : Optical time domain reflector PAKISTAN DEPLOYED WHAT FIBER CABLE: (SEA-ME-WE3) Important terms in this lecture: 1.Open and close network 2.Exploit known vulnerabilities protect by patches. Router IOS 3.Convergence time (Speed) 4.Down time (work usually on over time). 5.TCO ( Total cost of ownership ). Speed , Cost , security. 6. Availability scalability and reliability 7.MTBF (mean time b/w failure. ) switch 3 years , 500 switch 3 will dead. --------------------------------------------------------- 04. Class 04#Part -A Class Details topics: Cisco IOS Access:
Cisco IOS Access Method: Three types of access method:
Remotely access : Terminal Emulation program Softwares
User exec mode Privileged exec mode Gloable Configuration mode Class 04# Part-B Class Details topics: (Video Time : 25:00 min) 1.Terminal Emmunal program Software Example : Putty , Tera Term , Secure CRT 2.Cli - IOS Navigaton = Command Mode 1.Execute Mode: Only use for limited Basic minitoring commands 2. Privilege Mode : Allow access to all commands and features 3.Global Config Mode Used to access configuration option on the device . Modes Signs showed on Command Line:
User Execute to Privilege = enable exit to privilege mode = Exit User privilege modes to global config mode = config terminal Exit from global config mode : exit ,ctrl z, End Line mode = #line Console 0 direct from exce mode to line mode command #line vty 0 Exit , End , Ctrl+Z Command Strucutre : Basic ios prompt Command Space Keyword Arrangement Help features Ios Commands: & syntax check mode for help type = ? Terminal Cli hot keys and shortcuts : Tab Backspace left arrow Right arrow *************************** Basic Device Configuration : *************************** Switch Initial Configuration 1.NAME 2.DATE TIME 3.REMOTELY ACCESS 4.IP SETTING 5.PASSWORD ENCRYPT AND DECRY PT : 1.Change switch Default name >Enable #Config terminal #(Config)# hostname type any name exit Device name changed 2.Set Password Set password on Different modes (a) set password on Exec mode >Enable #Config terminal (Config)# line Consol 0 (Config-line)# password type any pass (Config-line)# login (Config-line)# exit (b)Set password on privilege mode >Enable #Config terminal (Config)# Enable secret type any password Two password priority is secret (Encrypt) =>Encrypt password secret =>Decry-pt password Enable password Encrypt password : (Confg)# Service password encryption Exit (c)Remotly access secure: Secure Vty line access >Enable #Config terminal (Config)# line Vty 0 15 (Config)# password type any password (Config)# login (Config)# End 3. Warning Banner Message : >Enable (Config)#Banner motd #type any message# 4.Erase all configuration and set device on Default settings Note:(warning not use in run time Environment) Some Important Commands use in Network devices; 1.Show user this command is use for showing how many remote user 2.Show running configuration 3.Show startup configuration 4.Reload this command is use for switch restart command Terminal name look up issue (Video duration 12:40 min) ******************* Lec#4 part 2 New topic 1.Address: (a) Mac Address (32bit) unchangeable (but some tricks are available but this is illegal) (b) IP address (4 octet = Every octet is = 8 Bits) Changeable (c)Subnet mask : Network bit Host Bit (d)Default Gateway : Address of Router 2.IP TWO Versions Ipv 4 = 32bit (4.3Billion ips in this Network version) Value Represent in Decimal Ipv 6 = 128bit (Value Represent in Hexa Decimal ) 2.Interface and Ports Device ports How to see (a) pysical see in device (b) See in Device Cli on Privilege mode Commands : (Config)# show ip interface brief 24 ports fast Ethernet 100 MBps 2 Gigabits ports 1Gb -------------------------------------------------------- 05. Class 05# Part-A Class Details topics: PORTS AND ADDRESS: IP ADDRESS MAC ADDRESS Class 05# Part-B Class Details topics: IP ADDRESSES TWO TYPE OF IP VERSION Ipv4 Ipv6 Two ways of IP Address Configuration (a)Manually IP Assigns (b)IP Assigns by DHCP Server Automatically (NOT DEEPLY DISCUSS IP ADDRESS HERE) SWITCH two types Manageable unmanageable SWITCH VIRTUAL INTERFACE CONFIGURATION assigns must ips Remotely access Configuration Lab (Video Duration 13:30min) Remotely access by these protocols (a) Telnet (b) SSH Telnet access also use through software etc: (1)Putty (1)Telnet -Decrypt on Remote (2) SSH - Encrypt on Remote OSI MODEL AND INTERNET HISTORY REFERENCE MODEL AND TEACHING MODEL 1.LAYERS WORK 2.LAYERS Wise PROTOCOLS 3.LAYERS PDU 4.LAYERS ENCAPSULATED AND DE-ENCAPSULATED 5. Characteristics of every layer Protocols 6.Devices work on Every layer (Video duration 40:00 min) Reference model not use in Practically OSI Teaching model (TCP/IP) used in Practically --------------------- TCP/IP Summaries version of OSI Model 4 Layers (Summary Version of OSI) OSI Stacks Sender 1.Application 2.Presentation 3.Session 4.Transport 5.Network 6.Data Link 7.Physical Receiver 7.Application 6.Presentation 5.Session 4.Transport 3.Network 2.Data Link 1.Physical PDU (PROTOCOL DATA UNITS ) (Vid 1 hour 5min) OSI MODEL -SEVEN LAYERS
OSI MODEL LAYERS : (Vid 51:20 duration) OSI MODEL LAYER architecture Sentence for remember layers
osi layers
01.Application layer (vid 1 hour 12 min) 02.Presentation layer (Vid 1 hour 26 min) (part1) Class 05# Part-C Class Details topics: 02.Presentation layer (part2) 03.Session layer ((Vid 4;41min) 04.Transport layer (Vid6:46 min)
------------------------------------------------------------ 06. Class 06# Class Details topics: 04.Transport layer some details with TCP DETAIL OF TRANSPORT LAYER Netstat Commands to monitor Network in Windows LAB (Video 42: 10 duration ) OSI REFERENCE HOW TO WORK layer by layer see in LAB 03.Network layer osi 3rd Layer (1 hour 7 minuter )
Network layer in Communication layer protocols
IP address is used for node to node communication PUBLIC & PRIVATE IP address
04.Data link layer 2 OSI layer (Vid 1 hour 42 Min) Layer 2 Works Layer 2 protocols layer 2 PDU layer 2 Devices work on this layer ( Lab 1 hour 44 min ) Sub layers of Data link layers:
Security Attack MAC Address Spoofing Attack 05.Pysical layer 1 (Vid 1 hour 54 min ) Layer 1 Works Layer 1 protocols layer 1 PDU layer 1 Devices work on this layer *************************************** OSI Summaries Version TCP/IP Model
layers protocols layer wise every layer protocols
IP , NAT , ICMP etc
ARP , PPP , ETHERNET etc Well known application layer protocols and Services 1.Ping (Utility) (ICMP Protocol) Command ping and ip address result show time packet loss , send , received TTL 255 ping of Death attack for server jam ping -l size increased ip limit 6500 bytes 2.Tracert 2.DHCP (Dynamic host configuration protocol ) IP Assignment
DHCP Ip assign Process is called DORA Process: DHCP CLINT DHCP SERVER Pc broadcast on port number 67 with Its mac address . UDP port /clint::68/server:67 DORA PROCESS
DHCP SERVER AND AUTOMATIC ASSIGN IP (Lab 2 hours 20 min) ------------------------------------------------------------- 07. Class 07# Domain Name Service (DNS) Translation System (Maintain these servers IANA) www.iana.org/domains/root/servers www.root-servers.org DNS server convert IP to domain name DNS Server Called Root Servers intially Divided in to 13 Groups (.com, .org, .Net etc) now multi Groups . Lab for DNS Understanding (Vid 12:47 min) -------------------------------------------------------------- 08. Class 08# Part-A Class Details topics: IPv4 Details: IPv4 Work on Layer 03:
Class Less Ip IP Class Range : Class A: 1 - 126 (1 Bit for Network & 3 Bits For Host) Class B: 128 - 191 (2 Bit for Network & 2 bits For Host) Class C: 192 - 223 (3 Bits of Network & 1 Bit for host) Class D: 224 - 239 (Complete Network ID For Multicast) Class E: 240 - 255 (Experimental use - Used for Research) Class A: use for govt Class B : use for Medium Companies Class C : use for Small Companies Class C is mostly and popularly used Mostly used Assign Host (Class A to Class C) Exception in IP classes : Class A : & Loop Back Purpose : & Class B: & Apipa 169.254.x.x Apipa Lab ( Video Duration : 1 Hour 19 min) Class D; & multicasting Reserve for IT Router Protocols OSPF is a Routing Protocols RIP is Routing Information Protocols Class E : Fro Research , Reserve by IANA for Research and experiment Types in IPs C Classes : Public Address and Private Address : Public Vs Private Network 1.Private IP for Private Personal Network Free use with in the LAN with the organization unique with the network and organization unregistered IP 2.Public IP: Globaly Unique Purchase from IANA OR Service Provider Registerd IANA is a Organization Search ResultsWeb resultsFor Private Free of Cost Class A = to Class B = to Class C = to Class full Ip : Class less IP: Network Mask (Sub net Masking - Sub netting - Network under network) Show - How much parts is network part and How much parts is Host part Sub net mask = 32 Bit Seprate by dot like Ipv4 Addresses Assignment play games for changing binary to decimal and decimal to binary Class 08# Part-B Class Details topics: Cover Class 08# Part-C Class Details topics: Cover ----------------------------------------------------------------- 09. Class 09# Part-A Class Details topics: Sub Netting / Baby NetworkSubnetting Divide one network to another networks1 - 126 Class B Ip Range : 128-191 (64k host ) Explain : Class B IP ( 2 Octet 1 octet is 8 , 8*2=16 Bit Host ) Subnet Calculation : Class B (Not change Network ID Or Network Portion ) 1). to N H *8 Bit network and 8 Bits Host to N H Host - Change Every 255 Power of 2 is 16= 64k is maximum host range Explain: Class C IP 1) 24 Bit Network and 8 Bit Host Sub Net 1) Calculation : to Point: First IP (Not Assign any pc is Network IP and lat IP not Assign any pc this is broadcast IP) Class C IP Range : 192 -223 (254 host) Sub Netting / Baby Network or Class Less IP addressing Benifits of Subnetting CIDR - is the method that Ips we to allocate an amount of address to a user. Flat network main problem: All Devices shown the same layer -2 broadcast domain Why subnetting needed? IANA - have shortage of IP address Soultion : NAT = Natwork address Translation Classes Ip Addressing mean sub netting Subnetting Definition : Sub net is a logically subdivision of an ip network OR The method of dividing a network into two or more networks called sub netting Network Address / Broadcast Address Class B: N H Network address or Network ID is initial two octet and last two octet are (host ) means broadcast ID Routing table ? how to work routing table and what is routing table How to do sub netting ? Bits borrowed from host field (Host Area) Sub netting Two types Sub Netting Methods: CIDR : CIDR, which stands for Classless Inter-Domain Routing, is an IP addressing scheme that improves the allocation of IP addresses. 1.FLSM (Fixed length subnet mask) 2.VLSM (Variable length subnet masking) Class 09# Part-B Class Details topics: ----------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Class 10# Class Details topics: CIDR : 1.FLSM (Fixed length subnet mask) 2.VLSM (Variable length subnet masking) Class full & Class Less ( also explain in previous lecture) practice how to gain manual calculation of Subneting also use in online subnet calculator : http://www.subnet-calculator.com/ Super Net ( Super Netting ) Summaries Network of Different Network Combining two or more
The process of forming a Super net (Different names of Super net)
Summary network (Route Summarization ) 1:Ipv6 Detail Starting ( Vid Duration 1 hour 14 min ) Why ipv6 - Become popular in third world countries Reason is shortage of Ips in Ipv4 . Ipv6 Address is 128 bits 340 Trilion Trilion Trilion large addresss space 128 bits scalablity simple Header 6 of 12 fields are removed Better Routing effiecency No Broad CAst Security and Mobility Transmission Richerness: Support Ipv4 ICMP Resiad Bigger Multicast Range Represent in Hexadecimal (Ipv6) learn Conversions of Binary to decimal and decimal to Hexadecimal Types of Ipv6 Address:
Global Unicast (Public IP) Link local address Ipv6 (like Apipa in Ipv4 Unique local Address Loop back address types of unicast address ipv6 header complete (Lab vid duration 2 hours 35 min ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
02. | 11. Class 11# Class Details topics: 1.IPv6 Detailed Information : 128 Bit Types of Ipv6
Global Unicast link local address (like apipa in Ipv4) unique local address (Private ip address) Loop back address 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 (Short form ::1) Types of Unicast: Global Unicast Link local address IPv 4 Mapped unspacified loop back IPV6 Headrer (IPv6 Complete Lab 50 min vid Duration) ARP not in Ipv6 replace it Andy protocol in Ipv6 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Iportant Topic Routing & Default Gateway (Vid time duration : 1 hour 22 min) (vid duration lab 2 hours 12 min) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
03. | 12. Class 12# Start from Lab : Vid 13 min last time watch video duration 38 min
01. | 16. Class 16# VLan Complete datail and practice lab with protocol |
02. | 17. Class 17# |
03. |
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